1999-2003 南京农业大学生物技术本科
2003-2005 南京农业大学遗传学硕士
2005-2009 南京农业大学遗传学博士
2009-2011 beat365 手机版官方网站基础医学博士后
2011-2014 beat365 手机版官方网站生理学系讲师
2014-2015 美国匹兹堡大学访问学者
2015-今 beat365 手机版官方网站生理学系副教授
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 82073194,定位于伪足的Polycystin-1激活Daam1促进乳腺癌细胞Wnt5a自分泌和定向迁移的机制研究,2021.01-2024.12(在研),主持;
2. 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,BK20181367,Daam1调控乳腺癌细胞趋触运动和定向迁移的机制研究,2018.07-2021.06(已结题),主持;
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81472703,Daam1募集Fascin1调控乳腺癌细胞伪足形成和趋触运动的机制研究,2015.01-2018.12(已结题),主持;
4. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,81101999,Wnt5a信号通路在乳腺癌细胞转移中的作用及作用机制,2012.01-2014.12(已结题),主持。
1. Mei J#, Cai Y#, Xu R#, Yu X#, Han X, Weng M, Chen L, Ma T, Gao T, Gao F, Xia T, Zhu Y* and Zhang Y*. Angiotensin‑converting enzyme 2 identifies immuno‑hot tumors suggesting angiotensin‑(1–7) as a sensitizer for chemotherapy and immunotherapy in breast cancer. Biological Procedures Online, 2022, 24(1):15.
2. Hao L, Liu Y, Yu X, Zhu Yuerong, Zhu Yichao*. Formin homology domains of Daam1 bind to Fascin and collaboratively promote pseudopodia formation and cell migration in breast cancer. Cell Proliferation, 2021, 54(3):e12994.
3. Mei J#, Liu Y#, Yu X, Hao L, Ma T, Zhan Q, Zhang Y*, Zhu Y*. YWHAZ interacts with DAAM1 to promote cell migration in breast cancer. Cell Death Discovery, 2021, 7(1):221.
4. Hao L#, Huang F#, Yu X, Xu B, Liu Y, Zhang Y*, Zhu Y*. The role of early growth response family members 1-4 in prognostic value of breast cancer. Frontiers in Genetics, 2021, 12:680132.
5. Mei J#, Hao L#, Wang H, Xu R, Liu Y, Zhu Y*, Liu C*. Systematic characterization of non-coding RNAs in triple negative breast cancer. Cell Proliferation, 2020, 53(5):e12801. 第一作者为本科生。
6. Mei J#, Xu B#, Hao L, Xiao Z, Liu Y, Yan T, and Zhu Y*. Overexpressed DAAM1 correlates with metastasis and predicts poor prognosis in breast cancer. Pathology Research and Practice, 2020, 216(3): 152736. 第一作者为本科生。
7. Yao N#, Fu Y#, Chen L#, Liu Z, He J, Zhu Y*, Xia T*, and Wang S*. Long non-coding RNA NONHSAT101069 promotes epirubicin resistance, migration, and invasion of breast cancer cells through NONHSAT101069/miR-129-5p/Twist1 axis. Oncogene, 2019, 38(47): 7216-7233.
8. Mei J#, Huang Y#, Hao L, Liu Y, Yan T, Qiu T, Xu R, Xu B, Xiao Z, Jiang X, Hu K, Zhu Y*. DAAM1-mediated migration and invasion of ovarian cancer cells are suppressed by miR-208a-5p. Pathology Research and Practice, 2019, 215(7): 152452. 第一作者为本科生。
9. Cai Y#, Mei J#, Xiao Z#, Xu B, Jiang X, Zhang Y*, and Zhu Y*. Identification of five hub genes as monitoring biomarkers for breast cancer metastasis in silico. Hereditas, 2019, 156: 20. 第一作者为本科生。
10. Mei J#, Yan T#, Huang Y, Xia T, Chang F, Shen S, Hao L, Chen Y, Wang Z, Jiang X, Xu B and Zhu Y*. A DAAM1 3'‑UTR SNP mutation regulates breast cancer metastasis through affecting miR‑208a‑5p‑DAAM1‑RhoA axis. Cancer Cell International, 2019, 19: 55. 第一作者为本科生。
11. Yan T#, Zhang A#, Shi F, Chang F, Mei J, Liu Y, Zhu Y*. Integrin αvβ3-associated DAAM1 is essential for collagen-induced invadopodia extension and cell haptotaxis in breast cancer cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2018, 293(26):10172-10185.
12. Xiong H#, Yan T#, Zhang W#, Shi F, Jiang X, Wang X, Li S, Chen Y, Chen C*, Zhu Y*. miR-613 inhibits cell migration and invasion by downregulating Daam1 in triple-negative breast cancer. Cellular Signalling, 2018, 44:33-42.
1. 梅杰, 朱一超, 严婷, 张永杰, 徐步捷. miR-218在制备乳腺癌化疗药物增敏剂中的应用. ZL 2019 1 0231550.7, 授权日期2021/3/16.
2. 梅杰, 朱一超, 刘妍, 徐瑞. DAAM1蛋白在制备肾透明细胞癌诊断及预后评估试剂盒中的应用. ZL 2020 1 1140916.9, 授权日期2022/3/4.
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